.NET interview questions 6th edition (Sixth edition) - By Shivprasad Koirala
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala in .Net
- Jun 21st, 2013
- 164144
- 0
I am getting 20 copies free from my publisher so if you share this on your facebook page or write a review on your blog, you get a free book shipped from me. Please note I just have 20 copies.
You can buy this book from flipkart http://www.flipkart.com/net-interview-questions-6th/p/itmdyuqzdqx8cvqx
It's the 6th birthday of my .NET interview question book and I am so satisfied with the whole journey this book has travelled. My biggest royalty what I have always got from this book are emails saying
"I have got job by your book".
I myself had tough times in my initial IT days and I hope no fresher sees those tough days what I have seen. I hope this book stands by you in your bad days.
So let me just run through what I have added/updated in sixth edition.
The first chapter I have started is with TOP 50 technical and non-technical questions. So in case developers want to prepare in an hour or so this chapter will make sure that you are on time.
Second chapter runs through basic questions around delegates, events , reflection etc. This time I have added some more important questions around serialization, new .NET 4.5 features, etc. Also I have updated some answers with more precision.
( OOP )This chapter I have really reworked it. I admit my previous editions did not have answers up to mark. So I have made some big changes in this chapter. As well I have added some more situation based questions around abstract classes and interfaces.
A complete chapter I have dedicated to ADO.NET. This time I have really made the images clean, nice and sharp. Also I have reworked on the answers to make it to the point.
This chapter I have not altered too much in this edition as new kid in the block, MVC has arrived. But I have still reworked on some answers and diagrams which where confusing in the previous edition.
This is a major thing in sixth edition , a complete new chapter dedicated to MVC. I have added around 30 situational based questions in this chapter to do full justice for this chapter.
This is one chapter I always thought I should work one. But for now I have kept the same questions and updated some answers which were not looking proper. But I promise and Koirala keeps his promise, my SQL Server Interview questions second edition is on track and it will be big thing.
Added some questions around WCF 4.0 and also updated some old answers which were not looking proper.
Updated lot of questions around WPF.
Improved some answers around EF for POCO classes.
Not much changed in this and chapter as such but added some few more architectures and patterns like MVVM and repository pattern.
In Ajax chapter I have added JSON and JQUERY as well this time.
In this chapter I have done major revamps and addition. Updated some old threading answers and added questions around TPL (Task parallel libarary).
XML chapter kept as it is.
Some of the question I was not sure where I should put it like algorithms , questions around debug release , packaging etc. So this chapter will serve that purpose. I have started adding questions around algorithm's in this chapter.
As usual salary card , sample resumes are my added flavors in the book.
This is really a gift to my developer friends. I am sure my book will read by lot of fresher friends. So in case they want to learn .NET step by step , I have shipped the videos of Learn .NET in 60 days inside the DVD.
Shiv Prasad Koirala
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- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Jun 21st, 2013
- 164144
- 0
.NET interview questions 6th edition (Sixth edition) - By Shivprasad Koirala

- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Dec 8th, 2016
- 89248
- 0
Exception Handling in C# using example step by step

- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Sep 7th, 2013
- 72069
- 0