.NET interview questions: - Can we implement dynamic polymorphism?
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala in ASP.NET
- Sep 16th, 2011
- 22254
- 0
.NET interview questions: - Can we implement dynamic polymorphism?
This is the .NET interview questions which you come across many a times. So following is the answer to it with explanation.
Dynamic polymorphism is implemented by using overriding and virtual keyword.
Below is a simple code snippet which has three classes, Customer class is the parent class.CustomerDiscount10Percent and CustomerDiscount20Percent are child classes.
Customer parent class has a discount function which returns zero discounts. This function is defined as virtual and then overridden by both the child classes with 10 and 20% discount.
class Customerpublic string customerName;public string customerCode;public virtual int Discount()return 0;}}class CustomerDiscount10Percent : Customerpublic override int Discount()return 10;}}class CustomerDiscount20Percent : Customerpublic override int Discount()return 20;}}
At the client side on the fly your parent object can point to any child classes and invoke the child implementation accordingly. This is called as dynamic polymorphism; the parent object can point to any of the child objects and invoke the child function dynamically.
Customer obj;obj = new CustomerDiscount10Percent();obj = new CustomerDiscount20Percent();
See the following UML video on Use Case Diagram: -
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