.NET interview questions: -Describe operator overloading?
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala in ASP.NET
- Sep 17th, 2011
- 30412
- 0
.NET interview questions: -Describe operator overloading?
Operator overloading is a concept of polymorphism where you can redefine operators like +, - , * etc with additional functionalities.
For instance we can redefine the + functionalities to add objects like obj1 + obj2. Below is simple code snippet which redefines + operator.
class SomeClassprivate int someValue;public SomeClass(int val)someValue = val; }public static SomeClass operator +(SomeClass arg1, SomeClass arg2)return new SomeClass(arg1.someValue + arg2.someValue);}}
You can now use the + operator to add objects of type someclass as shown in the below code snippet.
Obj = obj1 = obj2;
Also see the following private constructor video: -
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