.NET interview questions: - What role did you play in your project and company?
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala in .Net
- Nov 11th, 2013
- 27603
- 0
This is the question taken from .NET interview questions book.
Note: - Do not answer in one liner like I am developer , project manager , talk end to end. This will help interviewer to understand much better about you completely. Below is a simple sample answer how professionals reply.
My role was end to end. I was involved right from the requirement phase where I was a part of requirement gathering and creating use cases.
I was also actively involved in design phase to conceptualize the technical aspect of the project.
My main role was then in development /coding phase where I was involved in coding and unit testing.
I also played an important role in system and acceptance testing to fix defects and issues raised by testers and end users.
So my role was end to end with main focus on coding and unit testing.
I am also partly involved with the COE group where I help developers in the company to upgrade to new technologies.
Note: - If you are a part of other activities like training , quality , pre-sales team , estimation etc speak about the same during interview.Companies now a day's look out for multitasking capabilities rather than specific capabilities.
Also see following video on important .NET interview questions on external output(EO) in UML: -
Shiv Prasad Koirala
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