SQL Server interview questions: - Can we convert a Table Data in to XML format in SQL Server?
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala in SQL
- Oct 9th, 2011
- 4078
- 0
This is one of the typical SQL Server interview questions and also the favorable question of the interviewers. The interviewers ask this question to check your skills on converting the table data in to XML format but many of your developer friends fails to answer this question.
Below is the syntax of how to convert table data in to XML format.
Syntax: - Select * From [TableName] For XML Path
So, let demonstrate a sweet and simple example to see how exactly we can convert table data in to XML format using a simple query.
Assume that we have the following Customer's table with their respective data types and data.
Now, let's create a simple query to obtain your required result.
Query: -
Select * from Customer For XML Path
As soon as you execute the above query you will see the result like below diagram.
Now, when you click on the link you will see the XML result like below diagram.
In the above diagram you can clearly see that now your table data has been successfully converted in to the XML format.
Watch the tutorial on Basics SQL Server - Query Plan, Logical/Physical operators.
Do not miss to watch SQL Server Interview Questions video with sample answers :-
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Shiv Prasad Koirala
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