WCF Interview questions and answers: -What is the difference between WCF fault exceptions and normal .NET exceptions?
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala in .Net
- Aug 28th, 2012
- 42583
- 0
If you throw a normal .NET exception from a WCF service as shown in the below code snippet.
throw new Exception("Divide by zero");
Your WCF client will get a very generic error with a message as shown in the below figure. Now this kind of message can be very confusing as it does not pinpoint what exactly the error is.
Generic error in WCF client
If you use a raise a fault exception as shown in the below code, your WCF clients will see the complete clear error rather than a generic error as shown previously.
throw new FaultException("Divide by zero");
Your WCF client will now see a better error description as shown below.
Better error using Fault Exception
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Shiv Prasad Koirala
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