ADO.NET interview questions: - Different available components in ADO.NET.
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Nov 9th, 2011
- 8264
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In this article we will explain about different components in ADO.NET. For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com

.NET interview questions: - State the use Trim function in C#?
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Nov 4th, 2011
- 8214
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The Trim function helps us to remove OFF spaces characters from the beginning and from the end of the instance.

.NET interview questions: - Explain CAS model is structured under .NET 4.0?
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Nov 3rd, 2011
- 5510
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Permission granting is no more the work of CAS; it’s now the work of the hosting model. In other words CAS is disabled in .NET 4.0 by default. The host will decide what rights to be given to the .NET assembly.

.NET interview questions: - How to parse data in Threading?
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Oct 31st, 2011
- 7856
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In this article we will explain about parse data in Threading. For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com

ASP.NET interview questions: - Creating a Unique Code in ASP.NET.
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Oct 28th, 2011
- 4189
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In this article we will explain about unique code in ASp.NET. For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpod.com

ADO.NET interview questions: - Implementing optimistic locking in ADO.NET
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Oct 25th, 2011
- 4617
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This article will explain different ways of optimistic locking in ADO.NET. For more article and videos visit us at www.questpond.com

.NET interview questions: - State the uses of Params Keyword in C#.
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Oct 20th, 2011
- 7184
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In this article we will explain about Params keyword in C#. For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com

C# and .NET interview questions: - Explain with practical Lambda Expression in C#?
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Oct 19th, 2011
- 13122
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In this article we will explain about Lambda expression. For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com

C# and .NET interview questions: - Explain need of Casting in C#? What is casting?
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Oct 17th, 2011
- 4880
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This is one of the typical .NET interview questions and has been asked in many of the mid .NET and c# interviews, also the favorable question of the interviewers where they check your skills on casting.

ASP.NET interview questions: - Explain the concept of trace listener?
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Oct 14th, 2011
- 4251
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'Tracelistener' are objects that get tracing information from the trace class and they output the data to some medium.

LINQ interview questions: -How does LINQ to SQL differ from Entity framework?
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Oct 12th, 2011
- 18720
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LINQ to SQL is good for rapid development with SQL Server. EF is for enterprise scenarios and works with SQL server as well as other databases.