.NET interview questions: - Different Ways to create a delegate?

This is the .NET interview questions which you come across many a times. So following is the answer to it with explanation.

.NET interview questions: - Describe steps of working of  CAS ?

First Evidence is gathered about the assembly. In other words from where did this assembly come? , who is the publisher etc.

.NET interview questions: -Describe operator overloading?

Operator overloading is a concept of polymorphism where you can redefine operators like +, - , * etc with additional functionalities.

.NET interview questions: - Can we implement dynamic polymorphism?

This is the .NET interview questions which you come across many a times. So following is the answer to it with explanation.

.NET interview questions: - Explain the steps to clean unmanaged objects and also maintain its performance?

Implement IDisposable interface and implement the dispose function.

.NET and ASP.NET interview questions: - Steps to change cells color of GridView according to some condition?

This is not one of the typical .NET interview questions but on knowledge aspect it might be very helpful and also helpful while you dealing with GridView.

.NET interview questions: - Uses of checked and unchecked keyword in C#?

The checked keyword is used to explicitly enable overflow checking for integral-type arithmetic operations and conversions.

.NET interview questions: - Define hashtable collections?

In arraylist or array if we have to access any data we need to use the internal index id generated by the array list collection. For instance the below code snippet shows how the internal id is used to fetch data from array list.

C# and .NET interview questions: - How does Constant differ from  ReadOnly in C#?

The const keyword is used to modify a declaration of a field or local variable. It specifies that the value of the field or the local variable cannot be modified.

C# and .NET interview questions: - Elaborate the term  windows, forms and passport authentication?

In this mode the users are stored in windows local user groups.

WCF interview questions: - How does WCF differ from Web services?

WCF services can be hosted in multiple protocols like http, TCP etc. Web services can only be hosted on Http protocol.

C# and .NET interview questions: -What is the differences between abstract class and interface?

Some methods in abstract classes can have implementation.

ADO.NET interview questions: - State the meaning of  connection, command, datareader and dataset in ADO.NET?

This object creates a connection to the database. If you want to do any operation on the database you have to first create a connection object.

.NET interview questions: - Delay signing in .NET?

The whole point about strong names is to ensure that the clients (UI, External components etc) who is consuming the DLL knows that the DLL was published from a valid source

.NET interview questions: -Elaborate differentiation delegate and an event?

This is one of the important and most asked.NET interview questions. Delegate is basically an abstract strong pointer to a function or method while events are higher level of encapsulation over delegates.

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