ASP.NET MVC interview questions and answers:-What is the difference between

In this article we will explain What is the difference between "ActionResult" and "ViewResult" in MVC??

SQL Server interview questions and answers: - What is CDC (Change data capture) in SQL Server?

In this article we will explain What is CDC (Change data capture) in SQL Server?

C# and .NET interview question: - Cross word puzzle?

In this article we will explain Cross word puzzle?

SQL Server interview question - What is the use coalesce in SQL Server?

In this article we will explain What is the use of coalesce in SQL Server?

Important SQL Server interview questions on data types: -What is the difference between

In this article we will explain What is the difference between "char" and "varchar" data types?

SQL Server Interview Question and answers - Are SQL Server views updatable?

In this article we will see does SQL Server views updatable.For more articles and Videos Visit us at

SQL Server Interview Question and answers-Triggers, Instead of triggers, after triggers, inserted and deleted tables?

This article will explain about Triggers, Instead of triggers, after triggers, inserted and deleted tables.For more articles and videos visit us on

C# and .NET Interview questions: - What is Thread.Join () in threading?

In this article we will explain about Thread.Join() in threading. For more articles and videos visit us on

WCF Interview questions and answers: -What is the difference between WCF fault exceptions and normal .NET exceptions?

In this article we will show difference between WCF fault exceptions and normal .NET exceptions. For more articles and videos visit us on

SQL Server Interview question: - Column store indexes.

In this article we will try to answer some important SQL Server interview question's around the most discussed feature "Column store indexes" from SQL Server 2012 interview perspective. For more articles and videos visit us on

SQL Server interview questions: - What are page, extents, page header and row offset in SQL Server?

In this article we will explain about page, extents, page header and row offset in SQL Server. For more articles and videos visit us on

SQL Server interview questions: -What is the difference between star schema and snow flake design?

In this article we will show differences between star schema and snow flake design. For more articles and videos visit us on

ASP.NET Interview question :- Can you explain master pages concept in ASP.NET ( Training )?

In this article we will explain about master pages concept in ASP.NET. For more articles and videos visit us on

SQL server interview question: -What are Sub-Queries, co-related queries and difference between them?

In this article we will explain about Sub-Queries and co-related queries. For more articles and videos visit us on

C# threading interview questions: - What is the difference between

In this C# interview question we will explain threading concepts of "AutoResetEvent" and "ManualResetEvent" which help us to manage synchronization using events/ signals. For more C# interview questions visit us on

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