.NET interview questions: - Can you elaborate project life cycle?
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Jan 17th, 2012
- 47986
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In this article we will explain about project life cycle. For more articles and videos visit us on http://www.questpond.com/

C# interview questions: - How will you explain partial classes in C# and .NET?
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Jan 7th, 2012
- 12385
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In this article we will explain partial classes in C# and .NET, For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com

.NET interview questions: -Show us with explanation of V-model in testing?
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Jan 5th, 2012
- 6748
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In this article we will explain about V-model and its working in testing. For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com

SQL Server interview questions: - Publisher, distributor and subscriber in SQL.
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Dec 24th, 2011
- 9196
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In this article we will explain publisher, distributor and subscriber in "Replication". For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com

SQL Server interview questions: - Relationship existing in database designing?
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Dec 22nd, 2011
- 5359
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In this aricle we will explain different types of relationship existing in database designing.For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com

Knowledge Sharing Session: - On concept of OOPS (Inheritance and Use of Virtual Keyword)
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Dec 13th, 2011
- 66317
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In this Session we will learn the use of Inheritance and Use of Virtual Keyword.For more details visie us on www. questpond.com, http://youtu.be/MaHZiZOWTvU?hd=1

.NET/ASP.NET interview questions: - When to consider Data grid, data list, or repeater?
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Dec 12th, 2011
- 11765
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In this article we will show Situation to decide Data grid, data list, or repeater while we design.For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com

ADO.NET interview questions: - Implement optimistic locking in ADO.NET.
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Nov 29th, 2011
- 3815
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In this article we will explain about different ways to implement optimistic locking in ADO.NET.For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com

WCF Interview questions:- Which binding do we need to use for WCF REST?
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala
- Nov 16th, 2011
- 16973
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In this article we will show Binding used for WCF REST. For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com